Jay z the blueprint mp3 musicpleer
Jay z the blueprint mp3 musicpleer

jay z the blueprint mp3 musicpleer

I hate being misled especially when i was there when the event took place. We supported an Artist we loved because we wanted to and because we didn't have the accessibility we have now with Itunes, Amazon digital and Rhapsody. at that time The WIZ was still around Tower records, Sam Goody, and a bunch of local retailers was the only way Jay sold 400k the week of the attack. NO! Us Fans of Jay-Z at the time had only 2 options. I commend CNN for even mentioning this moment in Music History during a already historic tragedy but don't down play it like We "hip hop heads" never left the house to purchase an LP we all wanted and thats why it was so successful. so how they hell did the teens purchase an Mp3 copy of the blueprint in 2001? they didn't they went to the stores that week and bought the CD! yea CD AKA Compact Disc, remember those? Most had it on Pre-Order through CD catalogs like Amazon and CDnow. Mp3 player wasn't even popular to the public until Oct 2001 when ipods hit the market. Doing my research and the fact i was one of those Teens who actually found a music store opened on that dreadful day & bought the hard disc copy of Blueprint it comes to mind that during this period in 2001 Napster was on top of the mp3 file sharing game and the iTunes "STORE" wasn't in existence until 2003. This is why i can never believe these "experts" when they start spitting out random statistics. Indeed, digital downloads took off in 2001 with the advent of iTunes earlier in the year.) <- More BULLSHIT!!! ("The Blueprint" was heavily downloaded upon its release.

#Jay z the blueprint mp3 musicpleer download

“And many probably never left the comfort of their bedrooms to download the release.” ) <-thats BULLSHIT!! (“While the much older fans of Mariah Carey or Bob Dylan would likely be too busy and worried about terrorist attacks to rush out and purchase a CD the week of 9/11, Jay-Z’s teen and early 20s fans, already hyped up about this release long beforehand, remained focused on their idol,” Rose said. “Hip-hop is not just music, it’s a culture, and that mentality permeates many aspects of the lives of hip-hop heads.”

jay z the blueprint mp3 musicpleer

“Hip-hop heads (fans) have a different kind of relationship to music than fans of other genre,” said Sachs, an assistant professor of media technologies and culture at St. “And many probably never left the comfort of their bedrooms to download the release. While the much older fans of Mariah Carey or Bob Dylan would likely be too busy and worried about terrorist attacks to rush out and purchase a CD the week of 9/11, Jay-Z’s teen and early 20s fans, already hyped up about this release long beforehand, remained focused on their idol,” Rose said. “Young people not directly affected are always more removed from the onset of national tragedy,” said Tricia Rose, a professor at Brown University and author of “The Hip Hop Wars. CNN wrote a piece on the project’s impact which coincidentally dropped during the tragic terrorist attacks . This Sunday, not only marks the 10th anniversary of 9/11, but also the release of Jay-Z’s sixth album, Blueprint.

Jay z the blueprint mp3 musicpleer