Having 2 Pick-up Pokemon is a good start, but more can only help. Ideally, these Pokemon will be level 100 themselves, but 51 is the minimum I would recommend. The more time-consuming option, but it blends well with the level, is to have Pokemon with the ability Pick-up. As there are only so many one can pick-up and there is only the Battle Frontier that sells them for BP. These though are much harder to get a hold of.

Rare Candies – An item that simply gives levels, does it get any better? Only when you are done with EV training or you are just tired of leveling the Pokemon up. Be sure each time to take the item after the battle! It’s a good way to get multiples as well, but as always, it will take some time. When you do encounter a Chansey, switch to your Trick or Thief user, grab the item. Use a Max Repel as you enter the Trophy Garden itself to keep most of the other Pokemon away. Getting the Lucky Egg – You want to have a level 18 Pokemon with Compound Eyes in the lead and a Pokemon that knows Trick, Thief or other item stealing moves (I used an Alakazam with Trick, but a Kadabra works as well). It can take a while (~30-40 minutes) but the pay off is worth it. Backlot, and if he doesn’t say he saw a Chansey in the lot, reset your game. Chansey carry them, so its easiest to get one by getting Chansey to appear in the Trophy Garden. What this hold-item does is double experience gains. With the proper manipulation, this could become one of the keys to keeping a good, steady experience gain. Preparation: Lucky Egg – This item is essential to maintaining a good leveling pace. The guide is divided into recommended segments, considering for EV training. I strongly recommend that leveling and Effort Value (EV) training are best done separately as level gain is simplest when indiscriminate while EV training is very specific for optimal results. Taking advantage of 1 feature of the game, this could make leveling even easier. Using the right areas and items, it remains relatively easy to level Pokemon, sometimes into the late 70’s or early 80’s. At a point though, it takes practice and some experience to maintain a steady level gain, typically in the higher levels.

Leveling up the Pokemon increases their strength, gives them new moves and in a fair number of cases, leads to evolution. Share Starting Up (1-20) Levels 20-50 Levels 50-70 Levels 70-100 Introduction: Leveling Pokemon is the corner stone of the game.

Pokemon Platinum Leveling Guide Introduction Preparation Lucky Egg Getting the Lucky Egg Rare Candy Amulet Coin Items in Inventory Experience Boost Trading Exp.